Immaginari della linea Maginot, 1930-1940

Autori/Curatori Joelle Beurier
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/39
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 22 P. 29-50 Dimensione file 4518 KB
DOI 10.3280/MER2012-039002
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Most of the studies on the Maginot Line focuse on the military aspects of its history. By means of images, novels, scientific articles, written and illustrated press of the time, this article aim to comprehend the mental representations of the Maginot Line before and after the outbreak of the war. The famous fortification turns out to be a pointer to the French inability to efficiently enter the war.;

Keywords:Imaginary sceneries, inviolability, trauma, 1914-1918, litteratures, war cultures.

Joelle Beurier, Immaginari della linea Maginot, 1930-1940 in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 39/2012, pp 29-50, DOI: 10.3280/MER2012-039002