Dynamic capabilities in retailers’ marketing strategies: Defining an analysis model

Autori/Curatori Marcello Sansone, Roberto Bruni, Annarita Colamatteo, Maria Anna Pagnanelli
Anno di pubblicazione 2017 Fascicolo 2017/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 26 P. 17-42 Dimensione file 519 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2017-002002
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The dynamic capabilities assume a basilar role in companies considering the change management and marketing strategies. The aim of this work is to define an original model of identification of dynamic capabilities in retailers’ marketing strategies, with a focus on food sector in Italian market. The research has double origin: the Italian context of markets and large scale retail trade characterized both by complexity and the lacks in literature about these themes - dynamic capabilities in retail industry - highlighted by international literature. The Teece model has been adapted to the dynamic capabilities in retail industry - identifying specific meaning in clusters, microfoundations, and indicators - and the model has been tested involving 3 Italian retailers, with the aim to identify the differences in emerging results.

Keywords:Marketing strategies, dynamic capabilities, retail industry, sensing, seizing, transforming.

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Marcello Sansone, Roberto Bruni, Annarita Colamatteo, Maria Anna Pagnanelli, Dynamic capabilities in retailers’ marketing strategies: Defining an analysis model in "MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ" 2/2017, pp 17-42, DOI: 10.3280/MC2017-002002