Writing an integrated history of mediated communication for the ‘period of the League’. Or: How Henry III and Royal Camp Initiated and Disseminated News Publications in 1589

Journal title CHEIRON
Author/s Alexandra Schäfer-Griebel
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/2
Language English Pages 19 P. 50-68 File size 311 KB
DOI 10.3280/CHE2021-002003
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My article argues that the mediated communication in the ?period of the League' (French wars of Religion) should be examined with an integrated approach, thus advancing, extending and systemising recent tendencies in research. Such an integrated history of mediated communication has to include all relevant aspects for a specific act of mediated communication, to consider plural perspectives, to combine various fields of research and to observe the interrelation and interdependency of different media (intermediality) as well as constellations and practises, amongst others. Writing such an integrated history is exemplified here by news publications which circulated in the first month of the year 1589 when the wars of Religion reached a climax. The article will focus on King Henry III and the Royal camp, as research has hitherto - almost exclusively - concentrated on the King's opponents: the League.�

Keywords: French wars of Religion; Wars of the Huguenots; Henry III (of France); Catholic League; Early modern news.

Alexandra Schäfer-Griebel, Writing an integrated history of mediated communication for the ‘period of the League’. Or: How Henry III and Royal Camp Initiated and Disseminated News Publications in 1589 in "CHEIRON" 2/2021, pp 50-68, DOI: 10.3280/CHE2021-002003