Towards an evolutionary approach to marshall's reciprocal offer and demand curves

Autori/Curatori Katia Caldari, Maurizio Mistri
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2006/90
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 21 P. 21-41 Dimensione file 112 KB
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Towards an Evolutionary Approach to Marshall’s Reciprocal Offer and Demand Curves ABSTRACT: In this article, the authors revisit Marshall’s curves of mutual supply and demand from an evolutionary standpoint. After discussing the relationships between the neoclassical approach (in its more general sense) and the Marshallian approach, the authors claim that Marshall’s position was essentially evolutionary and that this methodological stance is clearly evident in his theory on international trade. In particular, Marshall’s treatment of mutual supply and demand curves shows that what he had in mind was actually far removed from the scheme of things in which current academic tradition has incorporated the mutual supply and demand curves.;

Katia Caldari, Maurizio Mistri, Towards an evolutionary approach to marshall's reciprocal offer and demand curves in "STUDI ECONOMICI " 90/2006, pp 21-41, DOI: