Effective marginal and average tax rates in the 2017 Italian tax-benefit system

Autori/Curatori Fernando Di Nicola, Melisso Boschi, Giorgio Mongelli
Anno di pubblicazione 2018 Fascicolo 2017/3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 24 P. 67-90 Dimensione file 385 KB
DOI 10.3280/EP2017-003003
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The personal income tax-benefit system influences, through marginal and average tax rates, income redistribution, labour supply, and tax evasion. In this paper we present, for the main taxpayer types and income levels, the statutory and implicit tax rates generated by the Italian personal income tax-benefit system components (social contributions, personal income tax, income type deductions, family-related deductions, family allowance, local surtaxes, and the "80 euro monthly bonus") along with the effective marginal tax rates deriving from their interaction. These tax rates are computed both for hypothetical taxpayer types (employee, retiree, self-employed with and without dependent family members) and using a microsimulation model based on a representative sample. The results show that the Italian tax-benefit system generates a broad range of effective marginal tax rates, with positive and negative values, determining, in some cases, also "poverty traps" (that is marginal tax rates higher than 100 percent). The marginal and average tax rates are also sometimes decreasing with growing taxable income, while at a low level of income we have such high tax rates that a disincentive for labour supply may result. With this evidence, a correction of the Italian tax-benefit system appears desirable both to preserve a more efficient income redistribution as well as labour supply incentives.

Keywords:Personal income tax, effective marginal tax rates, income redistribution, labour supply.

Jel codes:H21, H24, H31

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Fernando Di Nicola, Melisso Boschi, Giorgio Mongelli, Effective marginal and average tax rates in the 2017 Italian tax-benefit system in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 3/2017, pp 67-90, DOI: 10.3280/EP2017-003003