Onore e dignità

Autori/Curatori Marcello Ostinelli
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 7 P. Dimensione file 21 KB
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In this short essay the author discusses the possibility to consider honor as one of the democratic values after the proposal pur forward by different authors, and in particular by Francesca Rigotti. The first move is to consider the contrast between the social and the moral dimension of honor and dignity as it has been suggested by Peter Berger, developed by introducing the distinction between the conventional and the post-conventional level of moral thought (following Lawrence Kohlberg) and then comparing communitarian contextualization and liberal universalism. In such a way the contrast between honor and dignity gets new meanings. The hypothesis that honor might be recognized as the virtue of a democratic society is consequently further weakened.;

Marcello Ostinelli, Onore e dignità in "TEORIA POLITICA" 1/2000, pp , DOI: