Ruolo dell'impresa cooperativa nel nuovo quadro competitivo del settore lattiero-caseario: il Consorzio Cooperativo Latterie Friulane quale caso di successo

Autori/Curatori Ivana Bassi
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 29 P. Dimensione file 67 KB
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The dairy sector plays a very important role in the italian agribusiness system. In this context cooperative firms have reached a very important position: they process more than 2/3 of the domestic milk production for the production of cheese. Particular attention has been paid to the situation in Friuli Venezia Giulia region where the study checks the presence of firms which have been able to adopt successful competitive strategies, both in the stable business areas and in business areas with strong links to the increase of demand. In this context the research tries to highlight the most important factors. The article analysis types and the intensity of relationships between a cooperative and its members. Among the most important cooperatives operating in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Consorzio Cooperativo Latterie Friulane has reached a leadership position in many competitive business areas. At the same time it has been able to diversify its production toward speciality products. Using the case study methodology, the research has been concentrated on the competitive environment changes which have caused large modifications both in the philosophy and in the culture of the firm, with inevitable repercussions on the inter and intra relationships system. The case study analyse in deep the instruments and the solutions opportunely adopted by the management to built and substaine, in the medium-long term, a successful position and try to outline his possible evolution for the future.;

Ivana Bassi, Ruolo dell'impresa cooperativa nel nuovo quadro competitivo del settore lattiero-caseario: il Consorzio Cooperativo Latterie Friulane quale caso di successo in "ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE" 2/2000, pp , DOI: