L'Europa dopo il Leviatano. Unità e pluralità nel processo di costituzionalizzazione

Autori/Curatori Giacomo Marramao
Anno di pubblicazione 2001 Fascicolo 2001/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. Dimensione file 46 KB
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The article moves from the well-know debate between Grimm and Habermas on the opportunity to start a process of constitutionalization of the European Union. To Grimm, who holds that a European demos, which would be the only subject entitled to exercise constitutional power, does not exist, the author opposes that he appears to be still too strictly linked to the old tools of Europe’s continental public law; while to Hebermas, who holds that a real public opinion would form as a consequence of the process of constitutionalization, Marramao opposes his not yet solved tension between the American and German federal model. The route the athor points to is the one of thinking to the coming Europe and its (hoped for) constitution in a completely new key, going further the state-Leviathan model and literally making up a new balance of rights, powers and guarantees in the form of a multilevel system of government.;

Giacomo Marramao, L'Europa dopo il Leviatano. Unità e pluralità nel processo di costituzionalizzazione in "TEORIA POLITICA" 2/2001, pp , DOI: