Pensare globale e agire locale

Titolo Rivista ARGOMENTI
Autori/Curatori Luca Santamaria
Anno di pubblicazione 2002 Fascicolo 2002/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. Dimensione file 145 KB
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The growth in importance of globalization has changed the behavior of the regions and the way the company see their business. However in the last ten year also another phenomenon has captured the interest of economists and experts: a new wave of regionalism. Also regionalism has shown a strong impact on regions and companies. As a response to this "more complicated" word many companies have rethought the strategies they should apply to be more competitive. Even if no single strategy has been proved to be the absolute best a new paradigm is gaining the interest of more and more managers: think globally, act locally. Different examples in issues such as technology improvements, infor-mation efficiency and human resources have supported the idea that this new paradigm is the key of many companies to succeed in this new and competitive environment.;

Luca Santamaria, Pensare globale e agire locale in "ARGOMENTI" 4/2002, pp , DOI: