Titolo Rivista DiPAV - QUADERNI
Autori/Curatori Giuseppe Favretto, Margherita Pasini, Silvano Pasquali, Matteo Guardini
Anno di pubblicazione 2003 Fascicolo 2002/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 13 P. Dimensione file 178 KB
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A selection for matriculation is a process that involves the interaction be-tween different structures. Each of these structures has its own duties, but there is the need of a common language with regard to data processing, and of a constant interchange of information with regard to their different necessities. This cooperative interchange of info has two main aims. The first is an adequate attention to the candidate, with the objective to reduce as much as possible bureaucratic obstacles and to give him/her a guarantee of correct assessment; the second is the improvement of the selection proc-ess. As a matter of fact, only by monitoring the predictivity of selection tools which is made easier by the utilization of the same system of ar-chive modalities among the structures involved it is possible to make these tools more effective.;
Giuseppe Favretto, Margherita Pasini, Silvano Pasquali, Matteo Guardini, Garanzie e rispetto dei candidati: verso una procedura di selezione sempre più automatizzata in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 4/2002, pp , DOI: