L'amministrazione pubblica nelle Regioni meridionali italiane: Unione europea e governo locale

Autori/Curatori Bruno Leuzzi
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2004/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 14 P. Dimensione file 94 KB
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Bruno Leuzzi analyzes in this article the changes achieved in the most recent period by EU in the complex and very important field of the European Funds (both Structural Funds and Objective 1), which are especially relevant for all Southern Regions of Italy. Those changes are having important consequences on the activity, as well as on the configuration of the administrative institutions (both at the central and local level) and for the very constitutional future of the Member States. Said changes began with the European Act of 1986, which established the policy of cohesion, and of a process of restructuration of both contents and methods of the whole specter of the European policies, as well as of the institutions, at the European and Member States level.;

Bruno Leuzzi, L'amministrazione pubblica nelle Regioni meridionali italiane: Unione europea e governo locale in "RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL’AMMINISTRAZIONE" 4/2004, pp , DOI: