La politica dell'Italia fascista nei confronti degli arabi palestinesi, 1935-1940

Autori/Curatori Nir Arielli
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2006/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 61 P. Dimensione file 330 KB
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The article examines Italy’s relations with the Palestinian Arabs from the mid-1930’s until Italy joined World War II, placing them within the wider context of the Fascist regime’s policy towards the Muslim world and of the Anglo-Italian rivalry in the Middle East following the Ethiopian Crisis. A central part of the article is dedicated to the Italian involvement in the Arab revolt in Palestine (1936-1939), providing an analysis of Italian political maneuvers, of the regime’s pro-Arab propaganda, of the mechanism by which financial assistance was given to the leaders of the Palestinian Arabs and the failed attempts to supply them with arms. The article shows that Italian policy towards the Palestinian Arabs was more coherent than is commonly thought. It claims that Italian policy was motivated by two main interests: 1) exerting pressure on Great Britain (the Mandatory power in Palestine), forcing it to recognize Italy’s African Empire; 2) increasing Italy’s political, economic and cultural penetration into Palestine.;

Nir Arielli, La politica dell'Italia fascista nei confronti degli arabi palestinesi, 1935-1940 in "MONDO CONTEMPORANEO" 1/2006, pp , DOI: