Two images in one. Rethinking illusions looking through Alberti's window

Titolo Rivista DiPAV - QUADERNI
Autori/Curatori Ugo Savardi, Ivana Bianchi
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/18
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 109-126 Dimensione file 1041 KB
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In the first part of this work, the stimulus error paradigm is used to show how the classic perceptual phenomena known as illusions are perceived as being characterized by duality and identity. In the second part, research on illusions as developed in the field of the psychology of perception is compared to the use of illusory effects in pictorial figurative art. This is further extended to a comparison between Picture-view and Mirror-view images. Finally, it will be shown that the duality-sameness of picture and Mirror views is present in Brunelleschi’s well known peepshow experiment and in Alberti’s front picture plane (Alberti’s window).;

Ugo Savardi, Ivana Bianchi, Two images in one. Rethinking illusions looking through Alberti's window in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 18/2007, pp 109-126, DOI: