Il "fareassieme" di utenti, familiari e operatori nel servizio di salute mentale di Trento

Autori/Curatori Renzo De Stefani
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 133-150 Dimensione file 486 KB
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the Author describes a number of activities carried out, from 1999 onwards, by the Mental Health Service of Trento. These paritarian based activities or experiences labeled "Do-it-together" have involved users, family members and mental health workers, and have promoted an integrated approach to deal with current mental distress. The latter acknowledges each person’s knowledge and knowhow; it values the participants’ resources and shared experiences, and considers change feasible; it finally underlines the positive value of personal responsibility. The Author presents the activities in chronologic order and according to methods, settings and events. The outcomes of these activities are analysed in relation to objectives, history, records and values. The Do-it-together approach has become part of the everyday practice of the team and is considered the main instrument for development and change. The Mental Health Services of Trento currently present and discuss their model experiences and ideas with other Mental Health Services in Italy.;

Renzo De Stefani, Il "fareassieme" di utenti, familiari e operatori nel servizio di salute mentale di Trento in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2007, pp 133-150, DOI: