Industrial Discrtricts and Waves of Industrialization: A Rich and Contested Terrain

Autori/Curatori Marco Bellandi
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 27 P. 7-33 Dimensione file 128 KB
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The paper discusses Italian and international advances in industrial district studies using two explanatory tools. First, it distinguishes between ‘the’ industrial district as a set of models of industrial organization and local development and industrial ‘districts’ as empirical cases with close relations with the models. Second, it uses a historical frame to delineate three waves of industrialization in which industrial districts have performed a prominent role. Recent studies are classified according to their interpretations of these three waves. Reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of ‘the’ industrial district as an useful interpretative tool is a linking theme in the paper. Keywords: industrial district; clusters; local and regional industrialization and development. JEL-classification codes: L60, 014, R30, R58.;

Marco Bellandi, Industrial Discrtricts and Waves of Industrialization: A Rich and Contested Terrain in "SCIENZE REGIONALI " 2/2007, pp 7-33, DOI: