Titolo Rivista GRUPPI
Autori/Curatori Graziella Morandini
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 43-57 Dimensione file 73 KB
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With the aid of a number of clinical studies, here the field of expressive activities within the therapeutic/rehabilitative experiences of psychotic patients is explored. Expressive activities are constantly found among the therapeutic tools employed in psychiatric Day Centres and Therapeutic Communities. The risk of vagueness or institutionalization of psychiatric work serves as a stimulus, driving us to verify our tools so as to guarantee the therapeutic character and flexibility of their function. Reflection upon Racamier’s description of the intermediation function and Winnicott’s transitional area offer us some deeper analysis. In this background, integration with the different groups and with teamwork endows expressive activity with meaning; group thinking also attempts to ensure the acknowledgement of each patient’s own suffering, and of the course each patient is following. Key words: institutional therapy, psychosis, expressive activities.;
Graziella Morandini, Lavorare con i gruppi nelle strutture intermedie in "GRUPPI" 2/2007, pp 43-57, DOI: