Journal title STORIA URBANA
Author/s Carlotta Coccoli
Publishing Year 2007 Issue 2007/114-115
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 303-329 File size 91 KB
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The author reviews the records on the safeguard and preservation of Italian monuments during the Second World War kept in the Italian National Archives in Rome. The principal file is that of the Fine Art Department of the Ministry of Education. Another important file is that of the ACC (Allied Control Commission), a microfilmed copy of the records of the Allied Italian Campaign of Word War II (of special importance are the documents of the activity of the Sub-Commission for Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives for the safeguard of the Italian cultural heritage) kept in Washington DC. Other documents are held by other Italian Government departments.
Carlotta Coccoli, Repertorio dei fondi dell'Archivio centrale dello Stato relativi alla tutela dei monumenti italiani dalle offese belliche nella seconda guerra mondiale in "STORIA URBANA " 114-115/2007, pp 303-329, DOI: