Socio-Economic Ideas in the Petrine Epistles of the New Testament

Autori/Curatori George Gotsis
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 39 P. 67-105 Dimensione file 212 KB
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Socio-economic Ideas in the Petrine Epistles of the New Testament (by George Gotsis) - ABSTRACT: The two petrine epistles provide a window into the early Christian social world. Albeit distinct in form and context, these epistles share an eschatological perspective and a call to ethical life that shape early Christian economic attitudes and practices. Household management traditions in the first epistle culminate in the ideal of Christian stewardship, while the issue of an antisocial economic behaviour of deviant groups permeates 2Peter’s narrative. The paper seeks to analyse the textual evidence on leadership patterns that focus on competing economic motives and their consequences on the administration of scant resources, embedding economic reasoning in its social, rhetorical and cultural context.

George Gotsis, Socio-Economic Ideas in the Petrine Epistles of the New Testament in "STORIA DEL PENSIERO ECONOMICO" 2/2007, pp 67-105, DOI: