Educare alla responsabilità

Autori/Curatori Barbara Bertagni
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/106-107
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 3 P. 87-89 Dimensione file 39 KB
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Educating to responsibility is one of the priorities in the West of today, in ethical crisis. We need developing strategies in order to promote the awareness of responsibility, leading to think to oneself, on our own values, on the consequences of our own behaviour. We must get trained so as to pause within the limits of the request, to take nothing for granted, to know to question and confront ourselves with a purpose to face life as thinking beings who get hold again of the right and capacity to be informed and to choose.;

Barbara Bertagni, Educare alla responsabilità in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 106-107/2007, pp 87-89, DOI: