Rendicontazione sociale e organizzazione pubblica: il caso delle aziende sanitarie

Autori/Curatori Giorgio Gosetti, Eno Quargnolo
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/106-107
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 13 P. 263-275 Dimensione file 67 KB
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Social accountability has become one of the most interesting themes for public organizations, referring both the services constructing ways and the effects that services produce themselves, with a special focus on relationship between organization and its context of reference. Reflection on social responsibility and accountability has a particular meaning for public organizations, for it’s in their essence being socially responsible, and their actions and objectives are to consider mainly for their impact on community, on socio-economical and cultural context in which they operate. Starting from this point of view this work examines the specific case of health agencies in Emilia-Romagna Region, with a specific attention to the process to realize the mission balance, institutionally defined as a process and an instrument of social accountability.;

Giorgio Gosetti, Eno Quargnolo, Rendicontazione sociale e organizzazione pubblica: il caso delle aziende sanitarie in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 106-107/2007, pp 263-275, DOI: