Carteggio Geirge L. Mosse - Renzo De Felice

Autori/Curatori Donatello Aramini, Giovanni Mario Ceci
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 28 P. 77-104 Dimensione file 127 KB
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The Correspondence between Renzo De Felice and George L. Mosse ABSTRACT: Renzo De Felice and George L. Mosse were bound by a long-standing friendship and an intense intellectual intercourse since they met for the first time in 1967. The letters they exchanged between 1971 and 1991 (until now largely unpublished) permit to re-examine some important moments of the two scholars’ intellectual biographies and to fathom the extent of the influences they exerted on one another’s studies. Through the analysis of their correspondence, the editors determine three phases in the relationship between De Felice and Mosse: the beginning of their friendship (until mid 1970s); the period of their strongest mutual understanding (from the Italian translation of Mosse’s Nationalization of the Masses in 1975 to mid 1980s); the loosening of the ties between them (until De Felice’s death).;

Donatello Aramini, Giovanni Mario Ceci, Carteggio Geirge L. Mosse - Renzo De Felice in "MONDO CONTEMPORANEO" 3/2007, pp 77-104, DOI: