Sesso amore e matrimonio: tre stili di personalità

Autori/Curatori Felice Perussia, Renata Viano
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2006/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. 23-46 Dimensione file 209 KB
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1.434 adults, representative of the adult Italian population, completed a battery of scales connected to behaviours, values and personality traits; and particularly about Attitudes towards sexual relationships. Data show that sexual relationships are currently considered absolutely normal behaviours, often connected to love but independents from matrimonial references. The sample has been also Cluster Analysed, revealing three personality Types, with reference to attitudes towards sexual relationships: A) Sex & Sex (39,5%), who consider sexual relationships like any other way to communicate between persons, and are more often: men, learned, medium aged, dynamic, empatic, imaginative, internalist; B) Sex & Love (38,4%), who consider sex as a sentimental matter, and are more often: women, young, learned, marriageable, with a tendentially normal personality and “with the feet for earth although with some tendency to psychological caution, much sociable and very little aggressive; C) Sex & Marriage (22,1%), who generally see sex as strictly connected to wedding, and are more often: old, little learned, conjugates, introverts, afraid of the world and of others, externalists, with attachment difficulties with their parents. Key words: Extramarital, Premarital, Sex, Love, Marriage, Personality;

Felice Perussia, Renata Viano, Sesso amore e matrimonio: tre stili di personalità in "RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA" 2/2006, pp 23-46, DOI: