Oltre il "camice"

Titolo Rivista INTERAZIONI
Autori/Curatori Gabriela Tavazza
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 21 P. 56-76 Dimensione file 215 KB
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In the article the author reflects on the emotive transferral and controtransferal emotional implications that characterizes the relationship between the general practioner with his patients. The experience is put into the point of view of favouring well-being in health and not in illness, putting an accent on the identifying the protection factors (ex. Educating emotion, promoting the ability of managing stress, experimenting empathy ecc.). The work , gives a brief description of the frame work in which this experience is born and will try the focus on how the group process starting from the reflection on his own professional role and on the representation of the difficult patient which has allowed specific emotions to emerge (angry, boredom, omnipotent) in front of the patients and how their emotions can interferer deeply in the relation of treatment. In the article pieces of session will be reported where several imagines or episodes which have taken on a particular metaphoric and symbolic weight for the group. The therapeutists had the main of stimulating circulating emotions, thoughts, and specific themes in the group.;

Gabriela Tavazza, Oltre il "camice" in "INTERAZIONI" 2/2007, pp 56-76, DOI: