I minatori alla conquista del calcio. Modernizzazione sportiva e costruzione identitaria nel mondo operaio francese

Autori/Curatori Marion Fontaine
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/27
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 63-77 Dimensione file 111 KB
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Miners at soccer conquest. The modernization of sport and the identity construction in the workers’ world ABSTRACT: Considering the case of the region of Lens, the article means to understand how soccer became the basic element in the identification of themselves for those miners. Focusing on the articulation of the institutional organization and on the appropriation by the workers’ community, there will be analyzed forms of organization and representation by which an identity based on sport takes evidence. An identity without an obvious result, its development will be analyzed step by step: the characterization of soccer growth limits between the two wars; checking the reasons why miners invested mainly on this sport; at last, a reflection on the way soccer interacts in the community life.;

Marion Fontaine, I minatori alla conquista del calcio. Modernizzazione sportiva e costruzione identitaria nel mondo operaio francese in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 27/2008, pp 63-77, DOI: