Autori/Curatori Franco Paparo, Carmine Schettini
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 19 P. 49-67 Dimensione file 136 KB
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Psicologia del sé e terza età ABSTRACT: In this paper the Authors have explored some specific core aspects of Heinz Kohut’s Psychology of the Self and a few post-kohutian developments, giving special attention to the theoretical and the clinical points of view. Then they have pinpointed some other contemporary theories, with which the Psychology of the Self has, in their view, an epistemological coherence. In the last part they have tried to demonstrate, through a few clinical vignette of patients treated by two eminent Psychologist of the Self (summarizing very positive clinical experience of rather successful psychotherapies), their shared firm belief that the point of view of SelfPsychology with its stress on empathy is particularly suitable to the psychotherapy of people in their third age. Key Words: Empathy, Self-Object, Attachment, Motivation, Intersubjectivity.;
Franco Paparo, Carmine Schettini, Psicologia del sé e terza età in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 3/2007, pp 49-67, DOI: