Autori/Curatori Gabriele Turi
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/74
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. 109-132 Dimensione file 109 KB
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Oblio e memorie della schiavitù ABSTRACT: Gabriele Turi analyzes the prolonged silence regarding both victims and persecutors of the Atlantic slave trade, and the recent initiatives of Unesco and some of the countries involved. The picture that emerges is highly varied, ranging from the restoration of fortresses and castles in Ghana, Senegal and Benin to monuments, school programmes and commemorations. The investigation indicates that memories are extremely fragmented, stronger among Afro-Americans and the Caribbean countries than in African countries. But it also shows the difficulties on the part of the states responsible for the slave trade in formulating expressions of regret, lest the descendants of the victims demand economic compensation.;
Gabriele Turi, Oblio e memorie della schiavitù in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 74/2008, pp 109-132, DOI: