La sostenibilità sociale e la sua valutazione. Considerazioni a partire dal progetto europeo "Surprise"

Autori/Curatori Daniela Ciaffi, Alfredo Mela
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/85
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 104-118 Dimensione file 407 KB
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Social sustainability and its evaluation. Some notes starting from the European Program Surprise - This article focuses on the problem of measuring the four fundamental dimensions of sustainability (environmental, economic, social, institutional), with reference to urban regeneration programs. A specific case, linked to the European project Surprise (Sustainable Urban Regeneration Programs In Southern Europe) is analysed; such project concerns the evaluation of a checklist of actions carried out in three neighbourhoods of Turin where urban regeneration projects are going on over the last ten years. A multidisciplinary benchmark has been defined to measure different aspects of sustainability and the empirical feedback of some operators and practitioners involved in those programs has been reported. They evaluated the importance to each feature. Starting from the results of these interviews, the article develops some more general considerations on the use of quantitative and qualitative indicators to evaluate the social dimension of a sustainable regeneration at a neighbourhood level;

Daniela Ciaffi, Alfredo Mela, La sostenibilità sociale e la sua valutazione. Considerazioni a partire dal progetto europeo "Surprise" in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 85/2008, pp 104-118, DOI: