Insieme individuati

Autori/Curatori Walther Galluzzo
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 4 P. 132-135 Dimensione file 95 KB
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Together defined The setting’s integration in this case is crucial to address an impasse in individual therapy. The joint therapy with the family has enabled the patient and his parents to develop and integrate relevant experiences that had characterized the family relationships. It is underlying the importance of this method and the conditions with those factors could be effective: the need to recover the narrative coherence for patients and therapists. Key Words: Family Integration Therapy; Individual Therapy; Re-Narration; Borderline Psychotic Disorders.;

Walther Galluzzo, Insieme individuati in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 1/2008, pp 132-135, DOI: