Commercio nelle aree urbane & town center management tra semplificazione normativa e principio giuridico di sussidiarietà

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Antonio Chierichetti
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/46
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 9 P. 164-172 Dimensione file 215 KB
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Commerce in urban areas and town centre management: simplification of the legislation and the legal principle of subsidiarity - This study contains brief considerations on some aspects of urban planning and administrative law governing shopping districts with regard to urban areas and town centre management. These questions, which are of particular relevance today, are mentioned with specific regard to the need to simplify legislation and administrative procedures, all with a view to concrete implementation of the fundamental constitutional principle of subsidiarity. The role of regional programming is underlined in this respect when guidelines are laid down for local initiatives for the development of urban commerce, with special attention paid to existing town and city centres as natural shopping centres. The study also highlights the advantages of urban planning regulations which also meet the requirements of town centre management and it refers to the functions, which are mutually convergent in this sense, of both local administrations (municipalities above all) and stakeholders in society and private sector operators in creating and consolidating urban shopping districts.;

Antonio Chierichetti, Commercio nelle aree urbane & town center management tra semplificazione normativa e principio giuridico di sussidiarietà in "TERRITORIO" 46/2008, pp 164-172, DOI: