Autori/Curatori Samuel Arbiser
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 21 P. 8-28 Dimensione file 115 KB
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L’eredità di David Liberman - L’eredità di David LibermanThe Heritage of David Liberman In this paper the author brings us up to date regarding the validity of David Liberman’s legacy, underlining what, in his view, is essential in his work and which are the responses that this original master of psychoanalysis has given to the as yet unresolved problems of the heterogeneous and complex doctrinal body of psychoanalysis. He points out how, in Liberman’s theorization of clinical work, the accent falls on the singularity of the persona of the patient and of the analyst, the essential characteristic of this particular type of therapy.;
Samuel Arbiser, L’eredità di David Liberman in "PSICOANALISI" 2/2008, pp 8-28, DOI: