Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Andrea Rolando
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/48
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 5 P. 51-55 Dimensione file 282 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2009-048008
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Experiments in the design of complex platforms: ideas for discussion - Complex platforms raise a number of issues, concerning above all problems related to urban and regional planning. These are dealt with in the framework of disciplines that tend more and more to focus on the management of regulative and procedural processes to the detriment of traditional planning practices that place greater emphasis on architectural, urban and landscape design. Hence in order to understand the role that ‘megastructures’ take on in the composition of contemporary landscapes, more attention needs to be paid to the design side of things and to the development of innovative skills and know-how. In this regard, the increasingly close interaction between what has traditionally been considered ‘free time’ and time given over to shopping (an activity carried out in artificial places situated outside city centres but in areas of landscape interest) is proof solid of how it has now become indispensable to initiate a virtuous process that will reconcile functional needs with higher standards of spatial and environmental quality.;
Andrea Rolando, Sperimentazioni progettuali per piattaforme complesse: spunti per una discussione in "TERRITORIO" 48/2009, pp 51-55, DOI: 10.3280/TR2009-048008