In ricordo di Achille Ardigò

Autori/Curatori Giovanni Catti
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/Suppl. 2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 2 P. 170-171 Dimensione file 44 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2009-SU2013
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In ricordo di Achille Ardigò - Among the dear documents of Ardigò Achille remained in his room, there is a photograph and a sheet of paper with a score of lines printed. The photograph depicts the face of a young woman where the brightness of an interior life is reflected. It is a portrait of Edith Stein, perhaps in the days of his service in the Red Cross during the war in 1915, or rather in the days of her degree at the University of Frankfurt. In 1985 Ardigò presented the Italian translation of "empathy": "Zum Problem der Einfùhlung" by Edith Stein. The salms were concrete experience in Achilles Ardigò. At the end of his days he leans towards the experience of the mystical life, root key of its commitments and its responsibility.

Keywords: Photograph, Edith Stein, empathy, Husserl, phenomenological philosophy, salms

Parole chiave: fotografia, Edith Stein, empatia, Husserl, filosofia fenomenologica, salmi;

Giovanni Catti, In ricordo di Achille Ardigò in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" Suppl. 2/2009, pp 170-171, DOI: 10.3280/SES2009-SU2013