Titolo Rivista GRUPPI
Autori/Curatori Laura Scotti, Giuseppe Guario, Daria Ubaldeschi
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 69-83 Dimensione file 106 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2009-001007
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Transmission of psychotherapeutic abilities in the psychoanalytic field - The authors refer to subject matter that emerged in a group workshop held by the Psychotherapeutic School during a COIRAG lecture on the theme of transmission and learning of psychotherapeutic abilities. What does training of "official" psychotherapists involve? This question is not only related to ways of teaching: lectures, seminars and training, but also to the role that this transmission plays within COIRAG, fifteen years since it was created; this is like wondering where COIRAG is placed in relation to the School and vice versa. After working together for fifteen years, it seems important to ask ourselves whether we are truly ready to acknowledge ourselves. We need to realize how the work itself has changed each one of us, as well as our organizations and our reference models, or whether we intend to continue measuring our present work with the ghost of what we used to be and with our founding fathers. Many of us have partially detached ourselves from the latter and have perhaps become the victims of the pressure and appeal of a current model of social functioning (need of acknowledgment, power, and gratification), but we are also spurred by the pleasure of comparison, by the possibility of creating new ideas and new ways of being psychotherapists, and by the opportunity to find our own place, beyond the matrixes we belong to.
Parole chiave: psicoanalisi, scuola di psicoterapia, gruppo, transfert, formazione, insegnamento.
Key words: psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, school, group, transfert, training, learning.;
Laura Scotti, Giuseppe Guario, Daria Ubaldeschi, La trasmissione delle competenze psicoterapeutiche in ambito analitico in "GRUPPI" 1/2009, pp 69-83, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2009-001007