Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Roberto Carnevali
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/1
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 131-138 File size 83 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2009-001011
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Nichetti’s syndrome. Rara avis and black sheep, albatrosses and sailors. Group aspects - Coming from an experience in which he did not pass the selection phase to obtain a post as supervisor of a group of nursery school teachers, the author tells us about his impressions and sensations, drawing some considerations about the meaning of supervision and, particularly, about the importance of the emotional component in entering the dimension of selfawareness and awareness of our own actions. The starting point is the initial scene of Maurizio Nichetti’s first movie, Ratatataplan, whose analogies with what is dealt with here are clear. There are also references to the poem "The albatross" by Charles Baudelaire and to the expressions"rara avis" and "black sheep", as metaphors of a situation of non-involvement with the group, from which we are excluded because of a sort of "fear of being discovered".
Parole chiave: "mosca bianca", "pecora nera", supervisore, consapevolezza, affetto, emozione.
Key words: "rara avis", "black sheep", supervisor, self-awareness, affection, emotion.
Roberto Carnevali, La sindrome di Nichetti Mosche bianche e pecore nere, albatros e marinai. Aspetti gruppali in "GRUPPI" 1/2009, pp 131-138, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2009-001011