Riforma psichiatrica e psicoterapia sistemica. Continuità, sviluppi, problemi aperti

Autori/Curatori Luigi Onnis
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 47-64 Dimensione file 131 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2008-003005
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Psychiatric reform and systemic psychotherapy. continuity, development, open issues - The Author, in this paper, first of all reconstructs the essential historical phases of the theoretical and practical renewal process which preceded and accompanied the 180 law approval, that established the psychiatric hospitals closing. He then describes the Italian psychiatric reform characteristics, underlining how it produces the emerging of needs of new interpretation and intervention methods about psychic sufference: in this perspective psychotherapy has a crucial role and the italian law in psychotherapeutic training regulation is a further support. Particularly systemic psychotherapy proposes common basic principles with regard to the psychiatric reform and can represent an useful instrument for developping innovative concepts and practices. Finally the Authors put critically in evidence the problems still unresolved, not only concerning the need of a full application of the reform law, with the creation of territorial services and structures where they are still lacking or insufficient, but, over all, promoting the diffusion into the public services of a psychotherapeutic culture and practice.

Key Words: Italian Psychiatric Reform, Law 180, Systemic Psychotherapy, Psychotherapeutic Culture, Public Services, Mental Health Workers Formation.

Parole chiave: riforma psichiatrica italiana, legge 180, psicoterapia sistemica, cultura psicoterapeutica, servizi pubblici, formazione degli operatori.;

  • Réforme psychiatrique et psychothérapie systémique. Continuité, développement, questions non résolues Luigi Onnis, in Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux /2011 pp.191
    DOI: 10.3917/ctf.045.0191
  • Thérapie familiale en Europe pp.263 (ISBN:9782804162580)

Luigi Onnis, Riforma psichiatrica e psicoterapia sistemica. Continuità, sviluppi, problemi aperti in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 3/2008, pp 47-64, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2008-003005