Integrati.. Dove? Egiziani e Peruviani a Milano tra appartenenza locale e identità etnica

Titolo Rivista IKON
Autori/Curatori Marco Caselli
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/56-57
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 35 P. 39-73 Dimensione file 1023 KB
DOI 10.3280/IKR2008-056003
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Integrati.. Dove? Egiziani e Peruviani a Milano tra appartenenza locale e identità etnica - The migrants’ practices of cultural consumption are crucial for the definition of their relationships with the two cultures they are in between: the culture of their birthplace (or of their family) and the culture of the country that hosts them. Cinema, theater, sports and ethnic events they can find in their living area, in fact, are a set of symbolic resources for entertainment everyone can go through starting from his needs, his biography and his social networks. The so called "cultural diet" of migrants responds to the kind of placement everyone choose in respect to his social context (the culture of the country that hosts him, but also its social networks) and to the two cultures hÈs in between. This essay describes, starting from research results, differences among first and second generation migrants. The first ones constantly hang in the balance between two different cultures and habits, the second ones that perceive themselves as belonging to the country and culture they are birth in, but conserve, through familiar relationships, a tie with another culture. Starting from the analysis of the role that every entertainment occasion (cinema, theater, sports events and so on) has in the global "cultural diet" of the migrants the essay describes trends and differences between Egyptians and Peruvians characterizing this landscape.;

Marco Caselli, Integrati.. Dove? Egiziani e Peruviani a Milano tra appartenenza locale e identità etnica in "IKON" 56-57/2008, pp 39-73, DOI: 10.3280/IKR2008-056003