Città dei Morti nella post-rivoluzione. Politiche urbane e nuove sfide socio-culturali al Cairo

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Costanza La Mantia
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/61
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 6 P. 98-103 Dimensione file 1275 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-061017
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Cairo is a dense, compact megalopolis with an urban growth, mostly the victim of inadequate or non-existent planning, that spilled out during the last century into the informal sector and is powerfully threatened by the new Cairo 2050 strategic plan. Policies already partially put into action before the revolution reflected a government characterised by a top-down system of decision-making, the same system the evolution strongly placed in jeopardy. For the City of the Dead, an immense historic cemetery, still functioning and still inhabited, and a major symbol of the complexity and contradictions that distinguish Cairo, this urban policy envisaged the complete eradication of the resident community and its destruction. The lack of recognition of its rich social and cultural fabric and the complex heritage unrecognised as a resource, underline an attitude that characterises the urban policies of the deposed Regime.;

Keywords:Informal rents; social justice; right to a city

Costanza La Mantia, Città dei Morti nella post-rivoluzione. Politiche urbane e nuove sfide socio-culturali al Cairo in "TERRITORIO" 61/2012, pp 98-103, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-061017