Development of Sociology of Health: a review of the contexts and phases, themes and future in India

Autori/Curatori Mohammad Akram
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 27 P. 89-115 Dimensione file 146 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2012-002007EN
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Health is multi-dimensional and its determinants are not just bio-medical, but also socio-cultural and politico-administrative. Sociology of health developed in twentieth century as a specialized branch of sociology to address the widening health needs of human population. Sociology of health in India passed through several phases and complemented as well incorporated disciplines often identified as medical sociology and sociology of medicine. Parsonian system theory, interactionist perspective, conflict approach, phenomenological approach and empiricism have lasting impact on various researches conducted in India in last six decades. This paper is analytical in nature and focuses on four aspects: (i) development of sociology of health as an independent branch of sociology; (ii) three phases of its development in India; (iii) contexts and popular themes; and (iv) its future.

Keywords:Sociology of health; medical sociology and sociology of medicine; phases of development; contexts and themes; future in India.

Mohammad Akram, Development of Sociology of Health: a review of the contexts and phases, themes and future in India in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" /2012, pp 89-115, DOI: 10.3280/SES2012-002007EN