"Are genetically modified foods bad for my health?". Consumer evaluation and preferred information source

Autori/Curatori Sergio Beraldo, Stefania Ottone, Gilberto Turati
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/4
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 23 P. 111-133 Dimensione file 325 KB
DOI 10.3280/POLI2012-004005
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We investigate the impact of competing information on the consumer’s evaluation of food products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). We provide three main results. First, we show that introducing mandatory labels to identify whether or not a food product contains GMOs significantly reduces the consumer evaluation. Second, providing additional information on GMOs with respect to labels significantly affects evaluation. Third, no matter what kind of information previously received, the consumer prefers to seek additional information from the information source they trust the most, i.e., their general practitioner (GP). Overall, these results indicate that the crucial issue for regulating GMOs is not the presence of the label per se, but the availability of the necessary information to make good use of the label content in order to assess potential health risks deriving from genetically modified foods. In particular, our findings suggest that this can be achieved by properly informing (and convincing) GPs and other health professionals that the risks for human health are minimal.

Keywords:Alimenti geneticamente modificati, etichettatura, rischi per la salute, fonti di informazione, medici di medicina generale

Jel codes:C91, D82

Sergio Beraldo, Stefania Ottone, Gilberto Turati, "Are genetically modified foods bad for my health?". Consumer evaluation and preferred information source in "ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE " 4/2012, pp 111-133, DOI: 10.3280/POLI2012-004005