Can Trade Liberalization Enhance Freedom of Expression? A WTO Perspective on Censorship

Autori/Curatori Angelica Bonfanti
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 14 P. 461-474 Dimensione file 124 KB
DOI 10.3280/DUDI2012-003001
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Pursuant to their WTO commitments, Member States shall liberalize trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights, without any exceptions apart from those expressly provided by the covered agreements. Among them is the public morals exception. This paper aims to assess whether the implementation of the WTO commitments may have the effect of removing the filters imposed by some States through censorship, and whether the liberalization of international trade may contextually function as a means for enhancing freedom of expression. In so doing the paper examines how the public morals exception should be interpreted when censorship measures, on the one hand, and human rights protection, on the other, are at stake.

Angelica Bonfanti, Can Trade Liberalization Enhance Freedom of Expression? A WTO Perspective on Censorship in "DIRITTI UMANI E DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE" 3/2012, pp 461-474, DOI: 10.3280/DUDI2012-003001