The changes in farm incomes during the Great Recession

Author/s Elisabetta Croci, Silvia Sorana
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2013/3
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 13-32 File size 128 KB
DOI 10.3280/AIM2013-003002
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Running a common agricultural policy in the EU countries, even now characterized by a highly heterogeneous structure of their farm sectors, has been and still is indeed a daring challenge. This paper aims at offering a contribution to the reflection about where European farming incomes were found within the national income distributions in 2006, before the Great Recession broke in, and in 2012, while its end is not yet on sight everywhere. Proving that the changes in income distribution for the agricultural incomes relatively to non agricultural incomes are a consequence of the financial crisis is out of the scope of this analysis. Based on empirical data, this analysis endeavours at checking whether any changes occurred in the examined period in agricultural incomes within the national income distribution, and whether any regularities can be identified. The results of this analysis can be useful to test the resilience of the agricultural sector when the whole economy is under stress so to set a more precise target to future policies.

Keywords: Income Distribution, Agricultural Household Incomes, Agricultural Skilled Workers, Agricultural Unskilled Workers, Eu-Silc.

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Elisabetta Croci, Silvia Sorana, Le variazioni nei redditi agricoli ai tempi della Grande recessione in "AGRICOLTURA ISTITUZIONI MERCATI " 3/2013, pp 13-32, DOI: 10.3280/AIM2013-003002