Morte di un’organizzazione "rivoluzionaria". La dissoluzione di Lotta Continua a Torino nel 1976-’77

Autori/Curatori Alberto Pantaloni
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/18
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 17 P. 18-34 Dimensione file 118 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2015-018003
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By means of the thorough analysis of unpublished documents, newspapers articles, archive records, this article traces back the reasons that led to the dissolution of the non-parliamentary political movement Lotta Continua in the city of Turin. The process developed during the period of time starting from the movement Provincial Meeting (23 and 24 September 1976) until the eve of the widespread blowup of the so called "Movimento del ’77". Events such as the deep cracks in the structure of the organisation itself, the dramatic loss of political initiative, the harsh confrontation among the "social actors" inside Lotta Continua (blue collars, young activists, women and students), furthermore the discussion about the "mass" or armed political violence had an impressive role on speeding up the inner crisis of the revolutionary movement and on the exhaustion of its experience in Turin.;

Keywords:Nuova Sinistra, femminismo, operai, giornale, studenti, violenza

Alberto Pantaloni, Morte di un’organizzazione "rivoluzionaria". La dissoluzione di Lotta Continua a Torino nel 1976-’77 in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 18/2015, pp 18-34, DOI: 10.3280/HM2015-018003