Dal marabù al bodysuit: «Vogue Italia» e la lingua della moda

Autori/Curatori Giuseppe Sergio
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/50
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 97-114 Dimensione file 133 KB
DOI 10.3280/MER2015-050007
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This essay aims at highlighting the language of fashion as presented in «Vogue Italia», which is probably the most important Italian fashion magazine today. After a short history of the magazine, the essay compares two corpora of articles taken from «Vogue Italia»: the first one from the magazine’s first decade (i.e. 1965-1975), the second one from the decade 2002-2012. The comparison points out different textual approaches, going from openly advisory to denotative, and syntactical constructions, in the direction of a terse style. But the essay especially focuses on the fashion lexicon, characterized by words coming from French and, increasingly, from English; by neologisms, which point out the role of «Vogue Italia» in innovating and spreading fashion language; and, finally, by compounds and derivatives, showing the strong but decreasing power of the Italian language to create new technical words.;

Keywords:Italian, fashion language, fashion magazines, loanword, neologism, word formation

Giuseppe Sergio, Dal marabù al bodysuit: «Vogue Italia» e la lingua della moda in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 50/2015, pp 97-114, DOI: 10.3280/MER2015-050007