La rappresentazione del patrimonio e del reddito nel bilancio secondo l’approccio dualista tedesco: l’attualità dei contributi di Schmidt e Sewering

Author/s Giacomo Manetti, Massimo Cecchi, Luca Bagnoli
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 41-62 File size 497 KB
DOI 10.3280/CCA2016-001004
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In the context of German financial reporting theories of the first half of the twentieth century, this paper examines the role and influence of the two most important German dualists (Fritz Schmidt and Karl Sewering) on the International Accounting Standards The present research has exploratory nature and aims at reconstructing the main purposes, the theoretical-practical approach and the main impacts on the Accounting studies (in particular on the concept of capital maintenance) at the international level of these authors . The aims of the study are pursued through a deductive methodological approach, based on a survey of historiographical nature documentary. Our findings indicate some elements, which require further investigation to lead to certain conclusions, in support of the thesis that the commissions which drafted the fourth EU directive, and the IASB Framework have been made use of the ideas and proposals of the German dualists with particular reference to the preservation of capital, albeit indirectly. In the conclusions, we outline the main limitations of this study and its possible developments.

Keywords: Schmidt, Sewering, dualistic theories, capital maintenance, Germany

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Giacomo Manetti, Massimo Cecchi, Luca Bagnoli, La rappresentazione del patrimonio e del reddito nel bilancio secondo l’approccio dualista tedesco: l’attualità dei contributi di Schmidt e Sewering in "CONTABILITÀ E CULTURA AZIENDALE" 1/2016, pp 41-62, DOI: 10.3280/CCA2016-001004