Autori/Curatori Eleonora Di Maria, Marco Bettiol, Valentina De Marchi, Roberto Grandinetti
Anno di pubblicazione 2019 Fascicolo 2019/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 19 P. 43-61 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mc2-2019oa8130
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In light of the resource-base view of the firm, liability of newness appears as a capability gap. Several studies claim that collaborating with others is an effective strategy for bridging this gap. However, none of them demonstrates that, against a capability gap declared by the new venture at its birth and filled at the end of the start-up phase, this result was achieved by resorting to relations with external actors.The paper aims at answering this research question analyzing both the case of a marketing and technological capability gaps. The empirical section presents the results based on an original dataset on about 400 Italian new ventures. Results show that collaboration with external partners is the only determinant in reducing both capability gaps, whereas the profile of the new venture as well as its size, its location and the founders’ education are not relevant. New ventures use external relationships to develop both technological and marketing capabilities.
In light of the resource-base view of the firm, liability of newness appears as a capability gap. Several studies claim that collaborating with others is an effective strategy for bridging this gap. However, none of them demonstrates that, against a capability gap declared by the new venture at its birth and filled at the end of the start-up phase, this result was achieved by resorting to relations with external actors.The paper aims at answering this research question analyzing both the case of a marketing and technological capability gaps. The empirical section presents the results based on an original dataset on about 400 Italian new ventures. Results show that collaboration with external partners is the only determinant in reducing both capability gaps, whereas the profile of the new venture as well as its size, its location and the founders’ education are not relevant. New ventures use external relationships to develop both technological and marketing capabilities.
Keywords:New ventures, technological capabilities, marketing capabilities, capability gap, business relationships, collaboration.
Eleonora Di Maria, Marco Bettiol, Valentina De Marchi, Roberto Grandinetti, Developing relationships early: How new ventures fill their capability gap in "MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ" 2/2019, pp 43-61, DOI: 10.3280/mc2-2019oa8130