Political Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Enhancing the Role of the Moral dimension

Autori/Curatori Cristiano Ciappei, Anna Marrucci, Giacomo Mininni, Marina Gallucci
Anno di pubblicazione 2022 Fascicolo 2021/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 20 P. 85-104 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/cgrds2-2021oa12558
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Society is currently facing profound crises which threaten the stability, development, and individuals’ well-being. Specifically, health, environmental, and social crises have become topics of great interest among academics and scholars of Governance.  In this transformative environment, companies fulfill a vital role: they need to be responsible to the community by rethinking the maximization of interests. Indeed, businesses should operate by maximizing stakeholder interests and respecting social development. Failure to achieve these priority objectives can have major implications for society.  In achieving these ethical goals, Governance covers a crucial role. However, the debate on Governance and management has focused on purely control and administrative aspects. The present research offers a reinterpretation of Governance through a political lens. By examining Shareholder Theory and Stakeholder Theory, it emerges how in corporate management the political approach is superordinate to the ethical approach. This relationship between politics and ethics is analyzed in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility. Indeed, the research argues that Corporate social Responsibility is political and not ethical fact. The ethical roots of Corporate Social Responsibility can only be rediscovered through the enhancement of the moral dimension of management. In addition to Shareholder theory and Stakeholder Theory, the research explores Easton's model of political systems.  

Society is currently facing profound crises which threaten the stability, development, and individuals’ well-being. Specifically, health, environmental, and social crises have become topics of great interest among academics and scholars of Governance.  In this transformative environment, companies fulfill a vital role: they need to be responsible to the community by rethinking the maximization of interests. Indeed, businesses should operate by maximizing stakeholder interests and respecting social development. Failure to achieve these priority objectives can have major implications for society.  In achieving these ethical goals, Governance covers a crucial role. However, the debate on Governance and management has focused on purely control and administrative aspects. The present research offers a reinterpretation of Governance through a political lens. By examining Shareholder Theory and Stakeholder Theory, it emerges how in corporate management the political approach is superordinate to the ethical approach. This relationship between politics and ethics is analyzed in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility. Indeed, the research argues that Corporate social Responsibility is political and not ethical fact. The ethical roots of Corporate Social Responsibility can only be rediscovered through the enhancement of the moral dimension of management. In addition to Shareholder theory and Stakeholder Theory, the research explores Easton's model of political systems.  

Keywords:; Governance; Political System; Corporate social Responsibility; Ethics; Moral Dimension

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  3. Barile S. (2009). Verso la qualificazione del concetto di complessità sistemica. Sinergie, 79(2): 47-76.
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  5. Berber N., Slavić A., Aleksić M. (2019). The relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. Ekonomika: 65(3): 1-12. DOI: 10.5937/ekonomika1903001B
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  19. Ciappei C., Cinque M. (2014), Soft Skills per il governo dell’agire. Human Flourishing e saggezza pratica per lo sviluppo di competenze prassiche e pragmatiche, Milano: FrancoAngeli.
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  96. Ciappei C., Cinque M. (2014), Soft Skills per il governo dell’agire. Human Flourishing e saggezza pratica per lo sviluppo di competenze prassiche e pragmatiche, Milano: FrancoAngeli.
  97. Constantinescu M., Kaptein M. (2015). CSR standards and corporate ethical virtues: A normative inquiry into the way corporations integrate stakeholder expectations. In: Idowu S., Frederiksen C., Mermod A., Nielsen M. (eds). Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1_8.
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  99. Clementino E., Perkins R. (2021). How do companies respond to environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings? Evidence from Italy. Journal of Business Ethics, 171(2): 379-397. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-020-04441-4.
  100. D’Amato A., Henderson S., Florence S. (Eds) (2009). Corporate social responsibility and sustainable business. A Guide to Leadership tasks and functions, Greensboro, N.C.: CCL Press.
  101. Dahlsrud A. (2008). How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions. Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, 15(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.1002/csr.132.
  102. Dazzi C., Papa G.L. (2021). A new definition of soil to promote soil awareness, sustainability, security and governance. International Soil and Water Conservation Research.
  103. DesJardins J.R., McCall J.J. (2004), Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  104. Dosi G., Faillo M., Marengo L. (2008). Organizational capabilities, patterns of knowledge accumulation and governance structures in business firms: an introduction. Organization Studies, 29(08&09): 1165-1185. DOI: 10.1177/0170840608094775.
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  107. Easton D. (1959). Political anthropology. Biennial review of anthropology, 1: 210-262. In: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2949205.
  108. Easton D. (1968). The theoretical relevance of political socialization. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 1(2): 125-146. DOI: 10.1017/S0008423900036477.
  109. Farh J.L., Liang J., Chou L.F., Cheng B.S. (2008). Paternalistic leadership in Chinese organizations: Research progress and future research directions. In: Leadership and management in China: Philosophies, theories, and practices (pp. 171-205). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  110. Fassin Y., Werner A., Van Rossem A., Signori S., Garriga E., von Weltzien Hoivik H., Schlierer H.J. (2015). CSR and related terms in SME owner–managers’ mental models in six European countries: National context matters. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(2): 433-456. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2098-7.
  111. Freeman R.E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  112. Freeman R.E., Dmytriyev S. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder theory: Learning from each other. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, 1: 7-15. DOI: 10.4468/2017.1.02freeman.dmytriyev.
  113. Freeman R.E., Velamuri S.R. (2006). A new approach to CSR: Company stakeholder responsibility. In: A. Kakabadse A. et al. (eds.), Corporate social responsibility pp. 9-23. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  114. Freeman R.E. Reed D.L. (1983), Stockholders and Stakeholders: A New Perspective on Corporate Governance, California Management Review 25(3): 88-106. DOI: 10.2307/41165018.
  115. Freeman R.E., Phillips R., Sisodia R. (2020). Tensions in stakeholder theory. Business & Society, 59(2): 213-231. DOI: 10.1177/0007650318773750.
  116. Freudenreich B., Lüdeke-Freund F., Schaltegger S. (2020). A stakeholder theory perspective on business models: Value creation for sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(1): 3-18. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-019-04112-z.
  117. Friedman M. (1970). A theoretical framework for monetary analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 78(2): 193-238. DOI: 10.1086/259623.
  118. Ganson B., He T.L., Henisz, W.J. (2021). Business and Peace: The Impact of Firm-Stakeholder Relational Strategies on Conflict Risk. Academy of Management Review, (ja). DOI: 10.5465/amr.2019.0411.
  119. Gilbert D.U., Rasche A. (2008). Opportunities and problems of standardized ethics initiatives-a stakeholder theory perspective. Journal of business ethics, 82(3), 755-773. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-007-9591-1.
  120. Golinelli G.M., Barile S., Spohrer J., Bassano C. (2010). The evolving dynamics of service co-creation in a viable systems perspective. In: The 13th Toulon-Verona Conference, September (pp. 2-4).
  121. Gu Q., Tang T.L.P., Jiang W. (2015). Does moral leadership enhance employee creativity? Employee identification with leader and leader–member exchange (LMX) in the Chinese context. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(3): 513-529. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1967-9.
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