Evolution of built-up along the Sardinian coastal areas. Between economic development and ecological vulnerability

Author/s Chiara Cazzari, Federico Martellozzo, Filippo Randelli
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/134
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 31-51 File size 178 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2022-134002
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Since 1960s, the Sardinian littorals have hosted an ever-higher number of tourists that caused loss of coastal habitat. Owing to the use of GIS programs, national and regional statistical databases, this paper presents the results of the analysis on tourism accommodation structures along the Sardinian coastal belt. The north- south polarization of tourism flows and building activity have soon become evident, showing the importance of considering the build-up within the process of environmental assessment.

Keywords: coastal tourism; GIS; Sardegna; sustainability; environment.

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  • Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2024 Workshops Nicolò Fenu, Ginevra Balletto, Giuseppe Borruso, pp.131 (ISBN:978-3-031-65237-0)

Chiara Cazzari, Federico Martellozzo, Filippo Randelli, Evoluzione del costruito nelle aree costiere della Sardegna. Fra sviluppo economico e vulnerabilità ecologica in "ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI" 134/2022, pp 31-51, DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2022-134002