Author/s Anna D’ascenzio, Stefani Ferraro
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 124-139 File size 194 KB
DOI 10.3280/SISS2022-002009
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This paper returns a sociological analysis relating to the risks of accentuating the medicalisation practices of disadvantaged minors, especially in school contexts and particularly following the pandemic. In the first part the authors retrace the development phases of medicine as a biopolitical strategy and the processes of defining childhood as a social condition determined at the end of the nineteenth century. The following paragraphs analyse the logic of contamination exerted by neoliberalism on social and school policies and the consequences concerning the perception of the body, both human and so-cial. In the last part, the consequences of the subsumption of the medicalisation practice are analyzed and, at the end, a reflection on the concept of conscientiza-tion (critical consciousness) is proposed.
Keywords: disadvantaged minors; poverty; compulsory schooling; neoliberism.
Anna D’ascenzio, Stefani Ferraro, Un’analisi sociologica delle pratiche di medicalizzazione del disagio minorile nella scuola dell’obbligo in "SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI" 2/2022, pp 124-139, DOI: 10.3280/SISS2022-002009