Conceptions of assessment and learning in primary school mathematics teachers

Journal title CADMO
Author/s Elisa Truffelli, Giorgio Asquini
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/1
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 21-36 File size 206 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2022-001003
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The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the data of a questionnaire administered to 526 primary school mathematics teachers. The questionnaire investigates the beliefs and statements in relation to the INVALSI Tests, in order to identify possible effects on teaching-learning in mathematics. The in-depth study verifies the correlations between two validated scales (DOTIDID, Talent Ideology, and VALFOR, Formative Assessment) and some variables of the questionnaire related to personal data, teachers’ beliefs regarding the knowledge and skills investigated by the INVALSI Test and mathematics teaching and learning practices in the classroom that include the use of INVALSI items. The significance of the correlations with the two scales is noted for differ- ent aspects, with a clear difference between teachers who believe in forma- tive assessment (oriented to didactic planning) and those who consider math- ematics as an innate talent (oriented to simple training to pass the tests). The possible impacts for in-service teacher training courses on assessment issues and the correct use of INVALSI Tests are discussed.

Keywords: INVALSI Test, Primary School, Formative Assessment, Math- ematics, Teacher Training.

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Elisa Truffelli, Giorgio Asquini, Concezioni della valutazione e dell’apprendimento in insegnanti di matematica nella scuola primaria in "CADMO" 1/2022, pp 21-36, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2022-001003