What Worked? A Qualitative Study on the Tutor-Tutee Relationship in the Tutoring Online Program (TOP)

Autori/Curatori Giulia Pastori, Elisa Farina
Anno di pubblicazione 2022 Fascicolo 2022/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 16 P. 23-38 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/exioa2-2022oa15076
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The transformative processes that have involved the academic world for more than two decades have been accelerated and renewed in the wake of the Sars Covid-19 Pandemic. Universities, already oriented towards the promotion of smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, have nevertheless been called upon to rethink and reshape the services, projects and methodological approaches previously developed. The aim of this paper is to describe a qualitative study carried out within the Tutoring Online Program (TOP), designed to respond to the new demands brought to light by the pandemic. After outlining the innovative characteristics of TOP, where the tutors are volunteer university students and the tutees are secondary school students, the results of the qualitative research are presented. The aim of the survey is to identify the elements which, in the perception of the tutors and tutees, may have supported, or on the contrary limited, the creation of a meaningful relationship developed entirely online.

The transformative processes that have involved the academic world for more than two decades have been accelerated and renewed in the wake of the Sars Covid-19 Pandemic. Universities, already oriented towards the promotion of smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, have nevertheless been called upon to rethink and reshape the services, projects and methodological approaches previously developed. The aim of this paper is to describe a qualitative study carried out within the Tutoring Online Program (TOP), designed to respond to the new demands brought to light by the pandemic. After outlining the innovative characteristics of TOP, where the tutors are volunteer university students and the tutees are secondary school students, the results of the qualitative research are presented. The aim of the survey is to identify the elements which, in the perception of the tutors and tutees, may have supported, or on the contrary limited, the creation of a meaningful relationship developed entirely online.

Keywords:; Higher Education; Covid-19 Pandemic; online tutoring; learning loss; school demotivation

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Giulia Pastori, Elisa Farina, What Worked? A Qualitative Study on the Tutor-Tutee Relationship in the Tutoring Online Program (TOP) in "EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING" 2/2022, pp 23-38, DOI: 10.3280/exioa2-2022oa15076